MBB Mineral Processing - Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Pfeuti - Bahnhofstraße 13E - D-25469 Halstenbek - Tel. +49- (0)4101-3983955




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mbb Separation > _DOWNDOWNLOADS > Hydrozyclones












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disk.gif Salt Processing with Hydrocyclones




The use of Hydrocyclones in the processing of rock salt has been proven
over many years.
The raw material is crushed mechanically and then soaked in water. Nonsoluble
particles are separated. The larger (> 3 mm) by screen and the
finer ones (< 2mm) by mbb hydrocyclones, so that a pure clean slurry of
> 45 μm (or smaller) is achieved.
To separate salt from the cleaned slurry, water has to be removed.
A natural method of removing the salt is to put the slurry into a basin and
leave the water to be evaporated by the sun.
In small plants heat exchangers are used. At a certain point after
decreasing the temperature and cooling down the slurry, crystals will form
which are heavier than the slurry.
The separation of the crystals is possible by normal gravity (1 g) in basins
or sheds, but this requires a large area and a long residence time.
Hydrocyclone technology, which operates with g-forces between 100 and
3000, is faster and requires far less space.
Hydrocyclone technology is also suitable for separating fine stone
particles from de-icing salt liquids in order to avoid blockage of fine spray
nozzles. An increasing number of winter road services are using more
and more liquid salt in order to reduce costs and the amount of raw salt
required. For this application it is important to reach a cut point of
15-20 μm in order to remove insoluble particles from the slurry, which
otherwise would cause blockage of the nozzles.
The use of very fine spray nozzles allows the operator to reduce the deicing
salt by 50 % or more.
The communal street service Autobahnmeisterei in Mendig
(Rheinland/Pfalz), Germany, is already using this technology in its first
pilot plant and has ordered a second one. The raw salt has an insoluble
content of ca. 0,7 %, in a single step system
disk.gif FMR 4 – Step Processing To Win Fine Metals




As in ore and slag processing there are in several waste mixes , even also in filter dust, metals in different concentrations and grainsizes contained. Very often there are losses in the fines. Stockpiles of tailings are existing and waiting for a new processing technology to win the worthy elements economically. The reason for metal losses in the case of filterdust is a melting of plastic content by heat if there is a dry processing with fine particles . Therefor we make the last step of attrition in wet processing to avoid remelting by temperature influence.
disk.gif Bentonite Fine-Separation




In the field of using Bentonites there are applications like retentionslurries in paper mills where even single small particles of impurities wich are bigger than the blade of the paper machine can cause big problems. In these cases all particles > 45 μm must be separated out of the slurry. Sametime the loss of fine bentonite has to be reduced as much as possible. Because of the drying costs this processing makes sence for the paper mills which ants to use cheep dry processed bentonite and clean it from mpurities after the mixing station. The mbb-system is very compact and by that is an installation into an existing plant in most cases possible. This separation shall be around the clock maintenancefree and wearprotected. The throughput volume stream is variable to the local need. The plant can be constructed in two or three stages. Depending to the chemical requirements there are different materials available.
disk.gif Sewage Plant Hydrocyclone Shortinfo




Blockagefree Separatiom of Struvit -Crystals MAP (Magnesium Ammonium Phosphates ) (rewinning of Phosphorus)
Separation of solids from 15 µm to 3 mm from processwatercircuits Cleaning Sewage Sand by Rollattrition Optimizing of existing sand cleaning devices by crossflowcleaner Separation of abrasive Minerals upstream of Centrifugalseparators Separation of Calzium and other Crystals Separation of Mineral und Organic Smallfootprinted Solutions
Processing to reduce COD ( Chemical Oxigen Demand) all devices are for testphase to rent
disk.gif Rollattrition




Rollattrition for fine minerals, ores or metals
In this article rollattrition is presented as an energy saving variant of the conventional attrition methods for fine grained solids.



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